Friday, June 18, 2010

Guitar Bug

I have an AKG guitar bug, and I love it. it operates on a UHF signal, never had a single problem with it as long as I replace the battery often. love love love it. So I searched for the official stats on this product in order to write a review, and found none.
What am I to do? There are a number of offbrands that now carry wireless guitar products, a few look the same as mine...but I've never used any of them. What I'll tell you is why I bought mine, and what I like about it, and let you decide what to do.
The UHF signal as opposed to VHF is pretty important because of the transmitter capacity limits the range of signal, and VHF won't go as far, which in a large venue packed with warm bodies, and obstructions, the signal may experience problems.
My "bug" known by the sampson company as a "bud" is very small, no wires that attach to a pack or anything, just a little device just slightly larger than the AAA batter it holds that plugs into a quarter inch jack and can velcro the instrument so it won't jerk around.
I like many products by AKG, and I am familiar with the company more than any of the brands that made them or make them now. I love the versatility of being able to run into a crowd while playing, if everyone is sitting or unresponsive, I would always go sit next to the "cool guy" and play right next to him...This usually was crowd pleasing.
There may be a reason AKG stopped manufacturing this product that I am unaware of, but the fact that other brands still make it lead me to believe it was just lack of sales.

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